What is ‘So, I’ve been Thinking…’?

A newsletter by Sarah Pollok! A messy mix of sociology, psychology, pop culture and anecdotes that often seem to be about the most random of things but always seem to come back to the ‘why’ behind the world we live in, and how we live in it.

What’s the name about?

Whether it’s the rise of the aspirational class or the history of Flemish art, the invention of the ATM or the definition of fiat money, I like to think a lot about a lot. Big and foundational or irreverent and irrelevant, I’m fascinated by it all. 

So, at any point in time, I’ve probably been thinking (read: becoming disproportionally obsessed) over something.

Will I like this newsletter?

If you’re curious about why society is the way it is, or why we are the way we are, it’s a safe bet.  

If you wonder about the effect of automation on conversation or why rituals are powerful, if you’re interested in how algorithms affect your media habits, or why everyone became suddenly obsessed with ceramics, then ‘So I’ve Been Thinking…’ is the newsletter for you. 

How often will I receive it?

Never more than once a week but realistically once a fortnight — the inconsistency will be a terrific thrill for us both.

Subscribe to So, I've Been Thinking...

Musings on this world we're living in.


Just another millennial with a blog.